Burning Man meets Davos? The Summit Series

The Summit Series Does it Right, But PLEASE Don’t Go Have you ever had a perfect weekend? A perfect experience? Have you ever been part of an intentional, if temporary,

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

Business At The Speed Of Light – What is a Millisecond Worth?

Business At The Speed Of Light - In the low-latency world of high-frequency trading, some will lose, no matter how smart their systems and people. Can you catch up? Or

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

The 2011 Cynic Measures His Predictions

Cynic Measures His Predictions by Tony Greenberg A friend of mine in the research industry used to give out little post-it-notes to trainee analysts that said “be wrong boldly.” Her

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

My Other Car is a Bentley…NOT. My First Electric Car

By Tony Greenberg “Electricity is really just organized lightning.” - George Carlin Let me start by saying that I love new technologies, especially when I can try them before anyone, even

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

Amazon Trumps All Other Suitors in Quest for Hulu

Amazon Trumps All Other Suitors The battle for Hulu has come down to a few prime fighters hustling for victory. I’m placing my vote that Amazon should be the winner.

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

Jumping Through Hoops with Hulu: Will Hollywood Kill Their Offspring Again?

Jumping Through Hoops with Hulu Congratulations should go to News Corp., Disney, and NBC Universal for finally creating an online company so big and successful that tech industry giants may

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg