Making I.T. Fit Like a Good Shoe, Or, 10 years later, and RampRate has a long way to go!

  "Money is the opposite of the weather. Nobody talks about it, but everybody does something about it." - Rebecca Johnson In 1996, I recognized a problem in the way

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

Trusting Your Tongue, You’re the Expert.

by Doug Frost,  Master of Wine / Master  Sommelier, friend and partner Points are Pointless The 2009 Bordeaux futures campaign has just ended: the longest and most drawn-out in history.

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

Eco Vegan Realities Series~Ethical and Economic Decisions

This is the first in a series of articles on connections between the environment and our personal life choices. As a twenty- five-year macrobiotic, my mind and heart are fused

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

IT Services Markets Crumble~Driving Detroit’s Rut

IT Services Markets by Tony Greenberg and Alex Veytsel / RampRate Blog here Is the Media Business Next? Media firms have been my clients for years. Most IT firms complain

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

“Boiling the Human” H+ Summit Transcript/ Harvard-Kurzweil

Building a Services Market for the Transhuman Era  By Tony Greenberg, Alex Veytsel & Eric Pulier Excerpts from a presentation at the H+ Conference, Harvard University June 13, 2010   Download the

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

Save the Entrepreneur: Big Business Keeps Buying Startups, And Killing ‘Em

“The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.” – Peter Drucker Every week it seems like we see more stories of big companies

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg