Profiling the Public Cloud Buyer

Cloud Buyer - The key question is cloud service is the right fit for your specific jobs, whether today or in a few years, and what you should do to prepare.

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

Key Cloud Migration Decisions

Key Cloud Migration Decisions Most legacy applications have implicit assumptions about operating systems, hardware, geography, latency, throughput, scalability, governance, access rights, monitoring and other aspects that must be carefully addressed

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

Banking on the Wrongs ~ A Guide to the Anti-Millennial Funding Craze

Founders Institute Its been quite a hiatus from sharing these days.I have my reasons and hope to share soon.  I  recently gave this talk for Founders Institute , locally run

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

A Cynic Predicts IT and Media in 2011

(Prove me wrong or shut the heck up.) As pondered by Tony Greenberg and Alex Veytsel 1. Everything that’s old will be new again. Last year brought us the return

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

Transforming Tony, or How 2 Great Books on a Mountain Saved my Life and Strife

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." - Albert Einstein Half a lifetime ago,

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg

Break Out the Buggy Whips. Is Now the Tipping Point for Streaming Video?

Who’s in the buggy whip business in technology these days? By that, I mean, what companies are about to become obsolete thanks to major shifts in media delivery and consumption

Tony Greenberg Tony Greenberg